Sunday, May 26, 2013

GSP - Green Smoothie Princesses

Have you ever tried a Green Smoothie?

I first “played” with this sort of liquid meal option a couple of years ago. We had a failed cabbage crop in the garden – the heads had not formed but we had plenty of large green cabbage leaves awaiting our culinary raw food efforts.

I kept it simple – about 3 leaves plus the juice of 1 or 2 oranges & some water. The blender I was using was strong but not high speed (the motor was 800 watts – it still lives but has been replaced as the tool of choice).

I lost a little weight which was nice – child #2 had caused me a lot of trouble in that department. My hormones were “out of whack”. But I did not persist with the idea once our homegrown greens ran out.
Fast forward a year – I was going through a 3 month intense dental treatment program. It involved, on average, one anaesthetic a week. My system was so toxic (I am chemically sensitive, so I was not coping well).

After I finished the treatment I decided to get back to green smoothies. I opted to get a little more adventurous & complex with the ingredients. I also opted to try to not use brassicas.


These days, my leafy greens of first choice are – Cos, Baby Spinach & Arugula. While brassicas are a powerhouse of nutrition, be careful if you have thyroid issues (like me). I also try to use home grown ingredients whenever possible. Parsley is another favourite to add but be careful of how much as it is very strong.


I have two daughters (8 & 5) – my Green Smoothie Princesses – who now love their green smoothies! Miss 8 was always a fan but miss 5 was a little more difficult to please. They are not keen on the Arugula as it can be quite strong.

I try to make a couple of days’ supply at a time. This is especially helpful if more than one person will be consuming the smoothies. For instance, today I filled 5 jars. I like re-use 1kg honey jars. They have a good diameter which is easy to hold. It is a good size to fit in a small insulated bag/pouch too. Today’s batches – 4 jars in the fridge door:


Here is the recipe I used today:

3/8 pineapple
3-4 bananas
1 pear
1 nashi
juice of one orange
large handful baby spinash
half a head of cos
1 medium lebanese cucumber
half a cup water.

Before consuming I like to add:
1-2 heaped tspn raw cacao
1 tspn chia
1/4-1/2 tspn macqui powder
3-6 heaped tspns hemp seeds.

Happy Blending!

Peace to all,
KISS for Life,

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sustainability & Green Washing

I was not entirely sure what to call this post. Read on to find out about my dilemma last week.

I want to tell you all about my recent research into disposable cups for a new aspect of the business. I will be required to use either recyclable or compostable disposable cups for the drinks I will be serving.

Being a Permaculturalist in business, I fully support such an ethically sustainable business practice. At least I thought I did – until I examined the so-called “compostable” disposable cups we have here in Australia. Do not get me wrong – there is nothing wrong with the notion of “compostable” disposables. It is the way this gets accomplished that irks me. As well as the fact that the term “compostable” is, well, misleading.

Firstly, let me tell you a bit about the two cup options. There are fossil fuel based plastic recyclable cups. Then there are paper cups coated in plastic. The plastic is chemically very similar to the other recyclable cups BAR the plastic is derived from either corn starch or sugar cane. It can be composted. This is the same as bio-plastic bag material.

That sounds awesome! I hear you say. I thought so too. BUT WAIT, there is composting and there is composting. These disposables are only compostable in a “commercial compost facility”. Oh, ok, so we will just take them to one. NO! There are none in Australia.

What the … you heard me right. So, they have to be sent to landfill! They cannot be recycled or composted. But it is not quite as bad as it sounds because the bio-plastic will break down – ahem, eventually (as does fossil fuel plastic) – and then the paper underneath will breakdown and there will be nothing left to worry about.

Just do not ask how long it all takes nor how much farming land for human feed is given up to make these non-compostable compostables.

Deary, deary me – the anguish of trying to do the right thing and be sustainable in all decisions.

Peace to all, 
KISS for Life,

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

International Permaculture Day - Sun 5th May

Permaculture is how SUSTAINABILITY must be in reality.


PERMACULTURE is ALWAYS in co-operation with the forces of nature.

Dr David Suzuki has acknowledged Permaculture as the only true way for humans to live sustainably.

This coming Sunday is International Permaculture Day. There are hundreds of worldwide activities going on over the weekend to mark this year’s public celebration of what Permaculture has to offer.

This year’s theme is “Grow Local”, reflecting the increasing problem of Food Security.

To find an event in your region go to and search the options there.

We look forward to meeting you on Sunday!

Peace to all,
KISS for life,

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Live Well, Be Well

I have been doing a lot of re-reading & new reading on what is a healthy diet & the optimal diet. Humans and their domesticated animals do not consume their natural diet in any great percentage. The natural diet for any Earth species is raw.

Would you like to know more? Contact us to enrol in a workshop or set up private coaching.

Here is a little more on the topic:

Humans' ideal natural diet is high in raw fruit plus raw vegetable matter ... very little from the seed species. Therefore it should naturally be low in fats, animals, tubers, grain, pulses but very high in fibre and easy to use carbohydrates. These carbohydrates require minimal input from our bodies to metabolise them.

By eating this way, there should be virtually no-one with a weight issue & very few other medical issues compared to how things are currently.

It makes me sad walking down the street and seeing many people overweight, eating or drinking junk, and/or smoking. We dig our own graves with potentially a painful existence before we get buried.

I used to smoke. I was a sugar junkie. I got sick. Natural healing authors suggest allowing one month for every year you have been ill as a minimum. Healing can be a long process - a life journey for some.

Let me help you on your healing journey.

Would you like to know more? Contact us to enrol in a workshop or set up private coaching.

Peace to all,
KISS for life.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Raw Food for Improved Health

I went vegetarian when I was 15 years old (in 1982). My parents had always insisted I eat meat despite the fact that I disliked it immensely. Dinner was a very painful daily activity for me.

I had also been put on solids very young - at only 3 months. Looking back now with my current knowledge and experience it is no surprise that I have a number of medical issues relating to food.

I suffer quite severely from Environmental Illness. I have food sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivities - in fact, I am a universal reactor - mild chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and electromagnetic sensitivities (including light and noise).

I found going vegetarian and partially raw helped somewhat at various stages in my life.

It is a story of slides and roundabouts. 

Eventually (in 1999) I lost all food tolerances. I could not get much lower. I had collected a number of books on dietary protocols for health. Several were on raw food. I decided I had nothing to lose and plunged into a new regime of raw food. I went vegan. And it helped quite a bit. 

At first, but then I had some dental issues develop and then some memory and concentration issues. I was not getting the nutritional balance right. My B12 went too low and my GP freaked out (it was really low at around 57 instead of needing to be at around 350 whatever the measurement was). My diet altered a little in an attempt to help balance my iron, calcium and B12.

I stayed mostly raw for several years. Then marriage and pregnancies intervened. During the pregnancies I found I could not tolerate much raw food. I got very ill when #1 was 14 months old and had to abolish any food with fat as it was causing severe pain. It took the best part of a year to tolerate almonds (which I ate for calcium) again.

Pregnancy #2 also caused some similar issues with raw food but I was trying raw milk this time. Bad idea! I put on way too much weight. By the time I was 8 months pregnant my kidneys were not working well. My legs were in agony from fluid retention ( but it was not looking that bad). Baby came  2 weeks early thankfully. I was able to increase my raw food a bit again, but not as much as I wanted.

Now, a little over 5 years later, I am finally doing it!

This time around I am also having raw green smoothies. I had not read about them in the past - only wheatgrass juice. It seems to be making a reasonable difference. Together with my improved knowledge and understanding about nutrition and my personal nutritional needs, I believe this attempt at Raw Foodism will be much more successful!


Green smoothies in glass jars made in advance.

Dehydrating activated almonds.

Lots of fresh organic food in the fridge!

Homegrown Mutsu apples - mmmm yum!

Lots of bananas - for smoothies and "ice cream".

Pawpaw season - they are loaded with enzymes.

Homegrown grapes - a heritage variety of which we do not know the name.

Above are some photos of our home garden, some of the fresh food in the fridge and fruit on hand.

Now I am working on being a raw food coach. I have started drafting courses and workshops and "party" style demonstrations. I am adding many new products to my website. I whole heartily believe that a partial raw diet of at least around 60+% benefits everybody. I intend to commence studies in Nutrition later this year. (I might later turn that into Naturopathy.)

Join me in a Raw Food Challenge - Let me know if you want coaching or demonstrations. 

Peace to all, 
KISS for Life,

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Natural Skin Care

We are in the midst of a very dry summer. It reminded me that it is important for us all to try to take extra care of our skin.

Today I got an email with a fantastic and simple recipe to make Body Butter. Here is the recipe:

How to Make Natural Body Butter

by Joan Morais
Body Butters are one of the best products for skin. They moisturize, soothe and protect skin. Body butters create soft, smooth and silky skin.

Yield: approximately 12 ounces
3/4 cup solid cocoa butter
3/4 cup solid shea butter
5 ounces sunflower oil
8 drops vitamin E oil (optional)
1/2 teaspoon or 50 drops essential oil-(lavender essential oil is nice)

1. Melt cocoa butter and shea butter in double boiler. Remove from heat as soon as melted.
2. Add sunflower oil, vitamin E oil and essential oils to mixture and mix well.
3. Pour into containers and allow body butter to firm.

Whipped Body Butter Directions
1. Melt cocoa butter and shea butter in double boiler. Remove from heat as soon as melted.
2. Add sunflower oil, vitamin E oil and essential oils to mixture and mix well.
3. Create a cold water bath: Place bowl with body butter mixture into a bowl with cold water and ice.
4. When body butter starts to firm with a jelly like consistency, whip with a beater for about 5-10 minutes.
5. Spoon into containers.

Note: if you do not have a true double boiler, use a smaller pot for your ingredients and use a larger pot with some water in it as the outer boiler. If you have a food dehydrator with low settings you can use it to melt things too.

If you would like to purchase ingredients or attend a class, please contact us:

Peace to all
KISS for Life,

Monday, January 14, 2013

Recover and Rejuvenate

Food is Nature’s Medicine.

I am reminded of this daily. I have to re-learn this lesson daily. Why? Because I am a human and I do not live by “natural laws” as do other (wild) animals – I am a domesticated (read “civilised” animal) creature.

So, in order to naturally keep myself reasonably healthy I have to earn a living so that I can afford organic & GMO free foods, herbs and spices. They are nature’s gift to all creatures to keep us healthy. I also need to know how to turn these foods, herbs and spices into juices, smoothies, reasonably healthy treats, and meals I will enjoy.

If I watch television or “surf the ‘net” I am likely to need strong will power to not buy and consume so called foods that are totally denatured and devoid of real nutrition. They look great, they taste even greater. But they slowly poison and kill me if I eat them every day or regularly. Add to that the fact that I do little or no exercise. When I do do exercise it is often mechanical – in a gym or I ride a bike maybe but never enough weight bearing exercise to make my bones and muscles truly strong and healthy.

Make a New Year’s Resolution (like every year) – lose weight and do more exercise.
Sound familiar?
Well, then come and do it for real this year!

“Recover & Rejuvenate” - my new training protocol for 2013 from someone who knows what this is all about and falls off the wagon too.

What do you get – 5 personal and personalised Lifestyle training sessions, via Skype, Facebook or email. The price is reduced compared to individual sessions.

Do yourself a favour now – let me empower you to be the best you can be – let 2013 be a major transition to a wonderful you.

I am here to help YOU.

Peace to all,
KISS for Life,

Friday, January 4, 2013

Blend Power Packed Meals

Happy New Year!

Wishing you & yours a wonderful, healthy & enriching year ahead.

Unfortunately last year was somewhat difficult for me for various reasons but I am looing forward to improving with leaps & bounds this year.

One aspect of that is my rekindled faith in raw foods! I have always loved raw foods in my diet and have been through times where I have consumed a high raw diet. It is very powerful, cleansing and nourishing. This time around I am including much greater amounts of green foods - I like a mix of brassicas (I love asian greens in particular), Baby Spinach, Cos/Romaine lettuce and Rocket.

Due to some hypothyroid issues I generally have my brassicas steamed so as to denature the goiteragens. The rest I eat as leafy greens either plained or lightly dressed with lemon juice OR as a green smoothie.

I First got into raw food seriously for weight loss and health as a teenager (over 30 years ago). However, none of my reading materials back then talked about green smoothies. Shame really. Now I am making up for it. It is fantastic and I encourage you all to incorporate it into your life too! Check out the Blenders on the website here:

We are expanding the Blenders on offer on the website ... and I hope that we will be able to add the fantastic Vitamix 5200 blender by the end of the month. This is the Rolls Royce of household blenders. Amazingly it comes with a 7 year warranty!

My other news for 2013 is I will commence studying Nutritional Medicine during Autumn. I am very excited. I f all goes to plan, I will work the qualification up to Naturopathy in a few years.

Be good to one another. Take care out there (we have a heatwave here),

KISS for Life,