Saturday, December 10, 2011
Sustainabilty & Permaculture
My brain has been running overtime planning bits and pieces - where would we go for site visits, who would be our guest tutors, can we get funding to subsidise places for low income earners, the design of our certificates (Bill Mollison used to issue the certificates but no longer does it so it is up to individual educators to take care of this), what little extras can be included in the course cost (text book/s, course notes, Permaculture Melbourne membership, beverages, snacks, etc).
What is "Permaculture" I hear you ask - well it is jsut the most suitable and practical philosophy and methodology to live a truly sustainable life. It can be applied to a household, a suburb, a town, a farm, a country, the entire globe!
"Permaculture is sustainability in action." Josh Byrne, Gardening Australia
We want to spread this knowledge far and wide to anyone who is willing to learn. Please join us - tell others about it. This planet will not have a healthy future if we don't take action and change the way we do things.
Please see the sustainability page of our website for more details -
You can also join us on Facebook -!/groups/PermacultureAust.NZ/
We look forward to chatting with you soon.
PEACE to all,
KISS for life,
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
In light of the tumultuous times around the globe, I felt compelled to use it for my blog today. ENJOY.
PEACE to all,
KISS for Life,
Please enjoy and share “Free” by Stevie Wonder. The images in the video are fantastic and the lyrics are below.
Free like the river
Flowing freely through infinity
Free to be sure of
What I am and who I need not be
Free from all worries
Worries prey on oneself's troubled mind
Freer than the clock's hands
Tickin' way the times
Freer than the meaning of free that man defines
Life running through me
Till I feel my father God has called
Me having nothin'
But possessing riches more than all
And I'm free
To be nowhere
But in every place I need to be
Freer than a sunbeam
Shining through my soul
Free from feelin' heat or knowing bitter cold
Free from conceiving the beginning
For that's the infinite start
I'm gone - gone but still living
Life goes on without a beating heart
Free like a vision
That the mind of only you can see
Freer than a raindrop
Falling from the sky
Freer than a smile in a baby's sleepin' eyes
I'm free like a river
Flowin' freely through infinity
I'm free to be sure of what
I am and who I need not to be
I'm much freer - like the meaning of the word free that crazy man defines
Free - free like the vision that
The mind of only you are ever gonna see
Free like the river my life
Goes on and on through infinity
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Can you go a day without makeup?
Do you read the labels on the products you use - whether they are makeup, skincare or bodycare products? Can you understand those labels?
Did you know your skin absorbs about 60% of what goes on it into your system?
Did you also know that the skin is the largest organ of the body?
Are you fully aware of the ingredients in your makeup (and personal care products) you and your family members use?
Most of them are of dubious origins and potentially negative impacts on human and environmental health.
Want to find some alternatives?
We carefully choose what we sell. See or email us - we're looking forward to helping you.
Peace to all,
KISS for Life,
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Do You Really Need to use a Shampoo?
Do you really have to use shampoo or is it just a habit that is second nature?
I have been washing my hair with plain warm water for a few weeks now.
Due to allergies and sensitivities I have been using an unscented shampoo for over 16 years. But it was quite harsh on my hair and I could not find an alternative that was gentler that I could tolerate.
I have a friend who had gone shampoo free a couple of years ago and was very happy with the results. I also knew of a number of people who did the same.
Hmmm ... ? I pondered it on and off for a long time. Then I forgot about a haircut appointment. This had happened before. Was it an omen?
So, now I do without both shampoo and haircuts. At least for a while.
My decision sits well with me as an environmentalist and on account of my health issues and also, to a lesser extent on my hip pocket.
Time will tell if it is a physical benefit to my hair. It certainly doesn’t damage it.
KISS for Life,
Peace to all,
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Food Security
Today I saw this story about a fellow in America growing a monumental amount of organic food.
He's doing it on only 3 acres.
How can he do this? Well, he uses greenhouses and acquaponics, together with vertical plantings. The heat from compost is used to regulate the temperatures. Fish ponds incorporate a low carbon quality animal protein into the system. More specifically, the system :
* By producing 10,000 fish
* Using 300 to 500 yards of worm compost
* By utilizing vertical space
* Having 3 acres of land in green houses
* Using 1 simple aquaponic pump
* Food is grown all year by using heat from the compost piles
This can be copied. It would make a great community project.
Watch this video -
Please share this great video around with family and friends.
KISS for Life,
Peace to all,
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Stock take sale on selected items
Welcome to winter if you are in the Southern Hemisphere!
We are in Melbourne and we have had a pretty ordinary day weather wise.
So to cheer us all up I wanted to tell you about our mini winter sale - YAY!
You can see our specials here:
So, come and check out what we have to offer - if what you want is not on sale you can always ask us for a slightly better deal - we can't promise anything but you never know your luck!
Ok I will keep it short & sweet tonight.
Here's the page again:
Thanks for reading - please tell your friends & family about the sale.
Peace to all,
KISS for life,
Monday, June 27, 2011
Clearance Sale on Selected Items
These bottles are food grade stainless steel and BPA free. There are great designs you or family and friends will love.
Just go to our website and click on the specials button or the lucky dip option:
This offer is limited to current stock only - no backorders plus it is a lucky dip (you can specify a preference for a girl or boy focussed design but we cannot guarantee that it will be available).
KISS for Life,
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Water - Access Denied?
Many people in the world do not have water authorities to ensure their water is "potable". Making water potable involves adding various chemicals.
The following video is about an Indian community that was able to reverse their drought. The drought was a product of man's activities and arrogance that we know what we are doing. Please take a few minutes to watch it. It is inspiring.
Peace to all,
KISS for Life,
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Eco Mum Deals
We want people to change their lifestyles to be as sustainable as possible and we are willing to help you out as much as possible.
We have lots of products on our site that we can potentially offer to you via our Eco Mum Deals facility. More deals will be added over the next fortnight.
All you have to do is buy in bulk. You may not always get a choice of colour. So, get your friends, relatives, colleagues, and/or club members together and SAVE, SAVE, SAVE while you GO GREEN!
If there is a product on our website (or not) you would like to see with an Eco Mum Deal, please contact us
and we will do our best to help you out.
KISS for Life,
Peace to all,
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Permaculture is Sustainability in Action
Here is a really good video to get you in the zone, thinking about the issues involved and how useful Permaculture philosophy and sytems are to us all, no matter what our circumstances.
Permaculture is a wonderful KISS philosophy.
We run courses and NPOs for those interested in learning more.
KISS for Life
Peace to all,
Saturday, April 23, 2011
When is Sunscreen dangerous to use?
We can supply the ingredients for making your own nontoxic, nano free sunscreen. Contact us:
for details and recipe ideas.
Peace to all,
KISS for life,
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Word Press Exercise Challenge
Well, it's been some weeks since my last post. Our family has been very busy. We had a little trip, by car. Our kids are now homeschooling 100% and that is more time consuming as a parent.
Life is pretty good in many ways.
I'd like to take a moment to pass on good thoughts and wishes to all those who have survived the various natural disasters that have occurred in the last 3-4 months, not just here in Australia, but also New Zealand and especially Japan. The ramifications of the situation in Japan is quite overwhelming - nuclear radiation contamination. We must all help each other, even if it's just some useful information to support coping with the added toxic load that is eventuating.
What I was intending to tell you all about was the great idea the guys at Word Press have put together - a 5Km exercise challenge - walk/jog/run/swim/ride..... whatever your ability and preference, as long as you try to do something if you are physically able.
The idea (from the Automattic WP blog) :
WHAT IT IS: A 5k run/walk (approximately 3.1 miles). You can run, walk, or skip. It’s up to you. There’s no time limit and there’s just one requirement: that you participate! [Updated: You can do it inside or outside, on a treadmill or on a track, or even do a swim or a bike ride instead of running/walking - just get moving!]
It’s roughly equal to:
•3.1 miles
•12 laps around a track
•approximately 6000-7500 steps
•approximately 50-60 minutes of brisk walking
WHEN: We’re all busy, but we want you to participate, so we’re giving you some flexibility, too. The WWWP5k is set for Sunday, April 10th, but you can do your walk anytime from April 4th -10th (you’ve got a week to fit it in). Just post about it and use the tag “wwwp5k” so we can find you (and for a chance to be Freshly Pressed).
OK - so people of Australia and the World - get training and exercise! Make it a habit - a lifelong habit, "cos if you don't use it you lose it!
If you are in Melbourne - The Tan is 3.8km, so one and half times around will do nicely. With the beautiful Gardens beside you all the way.
Peace to all
KISS for Life
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Gardasil - is the promise too high risk?
KISS for life.
Peace to all,
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Sheer stupidity by Aussie Attorney General
Well, moves are afoot in Australia to do just that under certain circumstances (and they are very broad).
The current list contains five (5) species but the plan is to expand it by hundreds if not thousands! It will affect the backyard enthusiast right up to commercial nurseries and Landcare groups.
PLEASE go and read these links:
The Minister for Justice is asking for your opinion on this issue and is requesting anyone who is affected to make a submission. The deadline for submissions is the 11th of March 2011.
Please make a submissions and write to the major newspapers and even your local one to publicise this rediculous attempt to control drug trafficing.
KISS for life
Peace to all
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Our website will be temporarily unavailable
KISS for life,
Peace to all,
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Human and planetary survival and climate change are intertwined
The way we operate broadscale agriculture is one thing that urgently needs to change. It is doable, it is not so difficult, it is rewarding for those doing it and it can be applied practically anywhere.
How we all live our lives - especially in the West - needs to alter quickly.
Reduce your carbon footprint NOW. Even if you all ready do and you don't think you can any further, reflect on it and how you live. Try helping others to reduce their footprint by at least 10-20% over the course of 2011. Explore ways you might reduce your own further if you were able to form groups or partnerships with others to accomplish various things - share garden/farm for fruit and vegies; car share/pool; cargo bike share; share composting and worm farming facilities (have a larger system, collect scraps from local business); create biofuel communally - lots of things are possible.
Want a hand?
KISS for Life,
Peace to all,
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Food & Diet & Health & Weight Loss
Go into any bookstore and you will find a section dedicated to these books. Why? They make lots of money. Why? Many of us in the Western world are either overweight or think we are overweight or have a family member who is overweight.
So what IS the answer?
Well, the video in the following link is an overview of where to start:
It is not a "fad" approach at all.
If you would like an free assessment of your diet, please contact us:
In the meantime, watch the video and explore the concepts for yourself.
Peace to all,
KISS for Life,
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Caffeine - topically - can make you look great
This is because it stimaulates blood vessels thus improving circulation therefore improving removal of waste products from the body (i.e. toxins, excess fluid, fats, metabolic biproducts).
You can easily make your own:
2 tablespoons ground coffee
1 tablespoon fine salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
Combine the ingredients and massage into your skin in a circular motion away from the heart and towards hands and/or feet.
Be sure to stop if you find it irritating.
People with broken capilliaries shoud not exfoliate.
Peace to all,
KISS for life,
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Bottled Water – Is it what it claims to be?
The plain ones generally claim to be pure and clean or from a natural Spring.
Does the maker have laboratory proof?
Where did the water come from?
If it is purified water, what purification process was used? (There is only one method considered true purification – distillation – all the rest are considered types of filtration.)
Has the company had a laboratory test the water for contaminants? If so, what were the results?
Did you know that bottled water costs many times more than tap water (comparisons for the USA are a differential of up to 1,900 times!).
There are lots of potentially harmful contaminants in reticulated water – it varies for different towns. The most economical way to avoid them is to get a water purification or filtration system.
To avoid the potential hazards of disposable bottles (and the landfill issue), glass and BPA free bottles and jugs are the best storage options.
Ignore the marketing hype and look after yourself and the environment – we can help you with equipment and bottles:
If you can't see what you want, contact us:
Peace to all,
KISS for life,
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Back to School sale now on!
Get your kids lots of health enhancing goodies such as BPA free stainless steel drink bottles and lunch boxes.
Get a good water filter for your home - stop exposing yourself and family to potential carcinogens in the reticulated water system.
Get great air purifiers - especially beneficial to the chemically sensitive, hayfever sufferers and other allergy sufferers or just if you want to reduce your toxic load. Remember - indoor air quality is frequently poorer than outdoor air quality.
We also have great self hypnosis CDs by Rick Collingwood and others. They really work.
Come and have a look around our shop:
Peace to all,
KISS for life,
Saturday, January 1, 2011
New Year's Resolution
Lose weight?
Eat right?
Reduce your toxic load?
Live more sustainably?
Grow your own food?
Get involved in your community?
Help the less fortunate?
Start a community group.
Many are totally self centred. That is not always bad but life exists beyond the self and the self will not survive without considering things beyond the self.
Sorry if that's a bit too deep and meaningful and/or cryptic. I want to get you all thinking outside the square and beyond your comfort zone.
Let's get back to basics and support each other and see where that takes us.
Peace to all,
KISS for life,