Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Food & Diet & Health & Weight Loss
Go into any bookstore and you will find a section dedicated to these books. Why? They make lots of money. Why? Many of us in the Western world are either overweight or think we are overweight or have a family member who is overweight.
So what IS the answer?
Well, the video in the following link is an overview of where to start:
It is not a "fad" approach at all.
If you would like an free assessment of your diet, please contact us:
In the meantime, watch the video and explore the concepts for yourself.
Peace to all,
KISS for Life,
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Caffeine - topically - can make you look great
This is because it stimaulates blood vessels thus improving circulation therefore improving removal of waste products from the body (i.e. toxins, excess fluid, fats, metabolic biproducts).
You can easily make your own:
2 tablespoons ground coffee
1 tablespoon fine salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
Combine the ingredients and massage into your skin in a circular motion away from the heart and towards hands and/or feet.
Be sure to stop if you find it irritating.
People with broken capilliaries shoud not exfoliate.
Peace to all,
KISS for life,
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Bottled Water – Is it what it claims to be?
The plain ones generally claim to be pure and clean or from a natural Spring.
Does the maker have laboratory proof?
Where did the water come from?
If it is purified water, what purification process was used? (There is only one method considered true purification – distillation – all the rest are considered types of filtration.)
Has the company had a laboratory test the water for contaminants? If so, what were the results?
Did you know that bottled water costs many times more than tap water (comparisons for the USA are a differential of up to 1,900 times!).
There are lots of potentially harmful contaminants in reticulated water – it varies for different towns. The most economical way to avoid them is to get a water purification or filtration system.
To avoid the potential hazards of disposable bottles (and the landfill issue), glass and BPA free bottles and jugs are the best storage options.
Ignore the marketing hype and look after yourself and the environment – we can help you with equipment and bottles:
If you can't see what you want, contact us:
Peace to all,
KISS for life,
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Back to School sale now on!
Get your kids lots of health enhancing goodies such as BPA free stainless steel drink bottles and lunch boxes.
Get a good water filter for your home - stop exposing yourself and family to potential carcinogens in the reticulated water system.
Get great air purifiers - especially beneficial to the chemically sensitive, hayfever sufferers and other allergy sufferers or just if you want to reduce your toxic load. Remember - indoor air quality is frequently poorer than outdoor air quality.
We also have great self hypnosis CDs by Rick Collingwood and others. They really work.
Come and have a look around our shop:
Peace to all,
KISS for life,
Saturday, January 1, 2011
New Year's Resolution
Lose weight?
Eat right?
Reduce your toxic load?
Live more sustainably?
Grow your own food?
Get involved in your community?
Help the less fortunate?
Start a community group.
Many are totally self centred. That is not always bad but life exists beyond the self and the self will not survive without considering things beyond the self.
Sorry if that's a bit too deep and meaningful and/or cryptic. I want to get you all thinking outside the square and beyond your comfort zone.
Let's get back to basics and support each other and see where that takes us.
Peace to all,
KISS for life,