Thursday, March 25, 2010

The story of bottled water - part of the Story of Stuff project

Here's the latest from Annie Leonard, creator of the Story of Stuff, about bottled water at

Remember, the best way to avoid the problems associated with too much stuff, ie. waste materials used to make products that companies convince us that we need, is to ignore the marketing and don't buy the stuff.

If something is called or marketed as "take-away" there is probably packaging involved that is bad for the environment (eg. plastics and polystyrene) or it's a very poor nutritonal choice or it cost hundreds if not more times what it would cost you to take from home in the first place or all of these things!

Recycling is not always a good option either. Some plastics are recyclable but they are generally downcycled - the new product is inferior to the original.

Here endeth the lesson for today.

If you are interested in these sorts of issues and/or products and services that can help you live more sustainably, or you would like to make a comment, please contact us:

See our website:

Thanks for your time. Enjoy the rest of the day - plant some seeds and see what happens.


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