Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Live Well, Be Well

I have been doing a lot of re-reading & new reading on what is a healthy diet & the optimal diet. Humans and their domesticated animals do not consume their natural diet in any great percentage. The natural diet for any Earth species is raw.

Would you like to know more? Contact us to enrol in a workshop or set up private coaching.

Here is a little more on the topic:

Humans' ideal natural diet is high in raw fruit plus raw vegetable matter ... very little from the seed species. Therefore it should naturally be low in fats, animals, tubers, grain, pulses but very high in fibre and easy to use carbohydrates. These carbohydrates require minimal input from our bodies to metabolise them.

By eating this way, there should be virtually no-one with a weight issue & very few other medical issues compared to how things are currently.

It makes me sad walking down the street and seeing many people overweight, eating or drinking junk, and/or smoking. We dig our own graves with potentially a painful existence before we get buried.

I used to smoke. I was a sugar junkie. I got sick. Natural healing authors suggest allowing one month for every year you have been ill as a minimum. Healing can be a long process - a life journey for some.

Let me help you on your healing journey.

Would you like to know more? Contact us to enrol in a workshop or set up private coaching.

Peace to all,
KISS for life.

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